Monday, December 29, 2008

Space Rangers

Space Rangers


Note: You gain 1 cheat point per day. Therefore, if you spend
300 days in space or planet you will get 300 cheat points.
To activate a cheat, press Ctrl and Shift while entering the
cheatcode, then release all in order to activate.


Space Rangers [cheats] Summary:

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Repair : 40
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanMax : 20
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanCall : 20
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+RangerPoints : 150
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+NextRank : 90
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+CoolWeapon : 100
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+LowCostWeapon : 20
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Bomb : 60
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Artefact : 40
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Money : 40
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Drop : 60
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Paking : 300
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanItem : 160
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+WeaponStrength : 200
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+10Bomb : 140
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+RndBase : 30
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+OpenMapSector : 20
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+HugeMoney : 300
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+PelengSurprise : 100
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+SuperHull : 250
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Boom : 30
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Pirates : 100

Space Rangers' cheat codes:

After using a cheat, all your cheatpoints are reset.

If you try to call a cheat while having less than required
cheat points you'll get a message stating how many points
you lack. Collect more cheat points and try again.

The game uses cheat monitor feature. If you used more than
100 cheatpoints and submit your score to an official scoretable
at , you'll be listed as cheater in
top-scores chart.

Name : Fast repair
Description : Repairs all your equipment
Use when : Everywhere
To use : Lay on the sun and type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Repair
Cost: 40

Name : Dozen of klissans
Description : next turn each klissan-occupied system
produces 12 more klissan ships
Use when : Everywhere
To use : [Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanMax
Cost: 20

Name : Fake Z-transmiter
Description : Summons klissans to the curent star system.
Use when : You want to summon 20 or less klissans to your
curent location.
To use : [Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanCall
Cost: 20

Name : Lazy ranger
Description : Donate 1000 units of fake protoplasm
Use when : You have less than 1000 unassigned ranger
To use : Enter ranger base and type
Cost: 150

Name : Promosion
Description : Instant promotion.
Use when : Your rank is not the highest one.
To use : Enter military base and type
Cost: 90

Name : Cool gun
Description : Planet's equipment shop receives high-end
weapon for sale
Use when : You are on the inhabited planet
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+CoolWeapon
Cost: 100

Name : Cheap gun
Description : Planet's equipment shop sells random weapon for 1 cr
Use when : There are less than 50 items in equipment shop
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+LowCostWeapon
Cost: 20

Name : Two bombs
Description : Adds 2 quark bombs to your cargo hold
Use when : You have less than 10 items in cargo hold. Use
when you are in space.
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Bomb
Cost: 60

Name : Random artifact
Description : Adds random artifact to your cargo hold
Use when : You have less than 10 items in cargo hold. Use
when you are in hyperspace.
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Artefact
Cost: 40

Name : Money
Description : Adds 10000 cr to your money
Use when : You have less than 10000 cr
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Money
Cost: 40

Name : Drop
Description : Closest ship drops all of his equipment except
engine and fuel tank.
Use when : Closest ship is not Mahpella.
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Drop
Cost: 60

Name : Packing
Description : Halves size and weight of each player owned
item on the ship. Except hull, of course.
Use when : You are in space.
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Packing
Cost: 300

Name : Gift of science
Description : Scientist give you Klissani item.
Use when : Researchbase
To use : Enter research base and type
Cost: 160

Name : Evil strength
Description : Damage by your and pirates' weapons is 10-20
points higher. You became a pirate.
Planets and civilian ships start hating you.
Use when : You are in the pirates' base
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+WeaponStrength
Cost: 200

Name : Bombardment
Description : 10 quark boms appear in space at disstance
800-1500 from the player.
Use when : You are in space
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+10Bomb
Cost: 140

Name: New Base
Description: creates a random base in the current system.
Rules: There can be no more then 3 bases in the current system.
To use: On a planet type, Shift+Ctrl+RndBase
Cost: 30

Name : Show sector
Description : Reveals unexplored sector on the map.
Use when : Your galaxy map is incomplete.
To use : Enter pirates' base and type
Cost: 20

Name : Huge money
Description : +100000 cr.
Use when : You have less than 1 million cr.
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+HugeMoney
Cost: 300

Name : Pelengs' superiority
Description : Pelengs manufacture weapons with double
range! Non-peleng planets and civilian ships start hating you
Use when : Anywhere.
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+PelengSurprise
Cost: 100

Name : Hyperstrength
Description : Adds 30% more to your hull. Repairs damage.
Use when : You are in space
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+SuperHull
Cost: 250

Name : Big bang!
Description : Enemy hyperspace ships suicide.
Use when : Fighting an arcade battle in hyperspace
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Boom
Cost: 30

Name : Hate rangers
Description : All non ranger ships become hostile upon all
rangers. Planet and ranger-to-ranger attitudes remain the same.
Use when : In space.
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+HateRangers
Cost: 10

Name : Pirats' uprising
Description : Each commonwealth controled system
produces one more pirate next turn.
Use when : Everywhere
To use : Enter pirates' base and type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Pirates
Cost: 100

Space Rangers 2 - Rise of the Dominators

Space Rangers 2 - Rise of the Dominators


[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Repair :Over the Sun in Each System: 40
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanMax :Everywhere: 20
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanCall :Space: 20
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+RangerPoints :Ranger Station: 150
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+NextRank :Military Base: 90
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+CoolWeapon :On Planet: 100
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+LowCostWeapon :On Planet: 20
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Bomb :Space: 60
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Artefact :Hyperspace: 40
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Money :Space: 40
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Drop :Space: 60
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Packing :Space: 300
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanItem :Science Station: 160
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+WeaponStrength :Pirate Base: 200
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+10Bomb :Space: 140
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+RndBase :On Planet: 30
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+OpenMapSector :Pirate Base: 20
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+HugeMoney :Hyperspace: 300
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+PelengSurprise :Anywhere: 100
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+SuperHull :Space: 250
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Boom :Battle in Hyperspace: 30
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+HateRangers :Everywhere: 10
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Pirates :Space: 100

[Shift]+[Ctrl]+Word means that you need to hold Ctrl and
Shift keys, than type word and only than release Ctrl+Shift

Name : Fast repair
Description : Repairs all your equipment
Use when : Everywhere
To use : Lay on the sun and type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Repair
Cost: 40

Name : Dozen of klissans
Description : next turn each klissan-occupied system
produces 12 more klissan ships
Use when : Everywhere
To use : [Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanMax
Cost: 20

Name : Fake Z-transmiter
Description : Summons klissans to the curent star system.
Use when : You want to summon 20 or less klissans to your
curent location.
To use : [Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanCall
Cost: 20

Name : Lazy ranger
Description : Donate 1000 units of fake protoplasm
Use when : You have less than 1000 unassigned ranger
To use : Enter ranger base and type
Cost: 150

Name : Promosion
Description : Instant promotion.
Use when : Your rank is not the highest one.
To use : Enter military base and type
Cost: 90

Name : Cool gun
Description : Planet's equipment shop receives high-end
weapon for sale
Use when : You are on the inhabited planet
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+CoolWeapon
Cost: 100

Name : Cheap gun
Description : Planet's equipment shop sells random weapon
1 cr
Use when : You are on the inhabited planet with less tha 50
items in equipment shop
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+LowCostWeapon
Cost: 20

Name : Two bombs
Description : Adds 2 quark bombs to your cargo hold
Use when : You have less than 10 items in cargo hold. Use
when you are in space.
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Bomb
Cost: 60

Name : Random artifact
Description : Adds random artifact to your cargo hold
Use when : You have less than 10 items in cargo hold. Use
when you are in hyperspace.
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Artefact
Cost: 40

Name : Money
Description : Changes you money to 10000 cr
Use when : Everywhere
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Money
Cost: 40

Name : Drop
Description : Closest ship drops all of his equipment except
engine and fuel tank.
Use when : Closest ship is not Mahpella.
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Drop
Cost: 60

Name : Packing
Description : Halves size and weight of each player owned
item on the ship. Except
hull, of course.
Use when : You are in space.
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Packing
Cost: 300

Name : Gift of science
Description : Scientist give you Klissani item.
Use when : Everywhere
To use : Enter research base and type
Cost: 160

Name : Evil strength
Description : Damage by your and pirates' weapons is 10-20
points higher. You became a
pirate. Planets and civilian ships start hating you.
Use when : You are in the pirates' base
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+WeaponStrength
Cost: 200

Name : Bombardment
Description : 10 quark boms appear in space at disstance
800-1500 from the player.
Use when : You are in space
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+10Bomb
Cost: 140

Name: New Base
Description: creates a random base in the current system.
Rules: There can be no more then 3 bases in the current
To use: On a planet type, Shift+Ctrl+RndBase
Cost: 30

Name : Show sector
Description : Shows unssen sector on the map.
Use when : Your galaxy map is incomplete.
To use : Enter pirates' base and type
Cost: 20

Name : Huge money
Description : +100000 cr.
Use when : You have less that 1 million cr.
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+HugeMoney
Cost: 300

Name : Pelengs' superiority
Description : Pelengs manufacture weapons with double
range! Non-peleng planets and
civilian ships start hating you
Use when : Anywhere.
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+PelengSurprise
Cost: 100

Name : Hyperstrength
Description : Adds 30% more to your hull. Repairs damage.
Use when : You are in space
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+SuperHull
Cost: 250

Name : Big bang!
Description : Enemy hyperspace ships suicide.
Use when : Fighting an arcade battle in hyperspace
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Boom
Cost: 30

Name : Hate rangers
Description : All non ranger ships become hostile upon all
rangers. Planet and
ranger-to-ranger attitudes remain the same.
Use when : In space.
To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+HateRangers
Cost: 10

Name : Pirats' uprising
Description : Each commonwealth controled system
produces one more pirate next turn.
Use when : Everywhere
To use : Enter pirates' base and type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Pirates
Cost: 100


For the following codes goes that you need to hold down SHIFT+CTRL to
activate them, and then type the code.
There are some codes that need to be entered in a specific area or part
of the game.
Note: Each of these codes has a cost in cheat points, which are replenished
at the rate of 1/day. If you try to activate a cheat you do not have the
points for, you will be informed of your current number of cheat points:

Code Result
boom (in hyperspace) destroys all enemies unless
Keller is present - 30 points
hugemoney (as above) 100,000 credits - 300 points
nextrank (in military base) get next military rank - 90 points
packing (in space) reduces weight/size of equipped
standard items by half - 300 points
rangerpoints (in ranger station) gain 1000 ranger
points - 150 points
repair fly into sun, full repair of items - 40 points
rndbase (on a plant) random base forms in the
current system, max 3 - 30 points



Cheat Codes:
you press all these cheat keys at the same moment
(might take a try or two - especially on laptops).

Result Code
Turn cheating on - E - G - K - U - X
God mode on - A - K - O - M - T
Get energy crystals - D - H - T
Next level - X - V - N
Previous level - F - B - M
God mode off - D - G - J - L

SpaceFire 2 - Destiny

SpaceFire 2 - Destiny

Cheat Codes:
Press all the keys at the same time

Result Code
Turn cheating on - EFHOS
God mode on - AKMOT
God mode off - DGJL
Extra energy - DTH
Previous level - FBM
Next level - XVN



Level passwords:




Level Password



Type in the following codes at the Main Menu:

Code Result
GIMMEJIM - Boss Code
LIFEISUNFAIR - Special moves on numeric keypad.
VIRTUAL1 - First Person Perspective (like Quake)



While playing a game,
hold S + P + E + A + R + H
and press [Backspace]


Tip 1:
Try to remain in a hull-down position and hidden
behind a hill with only your turret visible.

Tip 2:
Go for your opponent's supply and repair vehicles,
especially in multiplayer games.

Tip 3:
The icons reported by your IVIS may not be complete.
Others may lie outside visual range.

Tip 4:
The hills provide excellent cover while you send your
forces to engage the enemy.

Tip 5:
Move regularly between the cupola view and the IVIS
to orient yourself locally and regionally.

Tip 6:
Flank the enemy whenever possible. The front of a
tank is more armored than its rear or sides.

Tip 7:
If your treads or engine are damaged and you can't
move, order an M88 to your position for a little
on-the-spot repair.

Tip 8:
Toss smoke grenades when approaching your enemy.
If smoke grenades go off near your forces, use the
thermal viewer.

Tip 9:
Your main gun can knock out anything you can see.

Special Operations

Special Operations

Run the game with:


Lock enemy ships, then press CTRL-ALT or ALT-DEL to
destroy them.

SO ORIGIN -K gives you unlimited shields.

Speed Racer

Speed Racer

Extra money and weapons:
Enter TOM LOUGHRY or TOD THORSON as names.

More Cars:
Place first on all three tracks to gain the Fire Ant and
Samurai cars.

To get Racer X's Shooting Star, beat all tracks on

To get the Demon car, beat the time trial with the
Shooting Star.

To get the ultimate GRX, take the Demon car into the
hidden tunnel shortcut, hit and remove all pillars,
activate C and D, and hit the tomb wall to the left.

Demon car:
Finish the time trial in first with the Shooting Star.

Ultimate GRX car:
Drive the Demon car into the hidden tunnel shortcut. Hit and
remove all pillars, activate the C and D features, and run into
the tomb wall on the left side.

SpeedBusters - American Highways

SpeedBusters - American Highways

Enter at the beginning of the race:

Code Result
fulofit - Unlimited Nitro
choperview - Chopper View
notimelim - Arcade Mode Checkpoints Off
tagkiller - Bumped Racers Get Sent Back to Start
blackice - Poor Control
crazyedie - No Brakes

Tip 1:
Don't waste money on the radar detector. One run-through
of each track is enough to memorize the positions of the
speed traps.

Tip 2:
The road map option is very helpful. It will give you
much-needed warnings of corners and help you stay on
course should you get lost in the terrain.

Tip 3:
Don't overuse the nitro. Although it is tempting to lean
on it when you need to catch up after a crash, in most
cases it just sets you up for an even worse crash as you
ricochet off one obstruction after another like a high-
speed pinball.



Level Password

Spellcasting 301 - Spring Break

Spellcasting 301 - Spring Break

To change the amount of money, edit one of the
S301_???.SAV files. Go to sector 30, offset 271 - 272
and change it to 0F 27.



In the first missions, prepare large amounts of
magic things, but not select the BOOK OF SPELLS
and press ESC.
You'll obtain all GRATIS!!!



Type in the following codes during
gameplay or in the battle screen:

againagain..(at the War map)........ - Regenerate AP of all units
cashiup.....(at the Strategic map).. - Increase money by 100

SpellForce - The Order of Dawn

SpellForce - The Order of Dawn

Some versions of the game may require that [Left Ctrl] + ] or [Left Ctrl] +
[Plus] to display the
console window. Type one of the following case-sensitive codes then press
[Enter] to activate
the corresponding cheat function. Press [Esc] to close the console window.

While playing, bring up the console by pressing [CTRL] + ]. Then type:
Note: Requires version 1.02 of the game or higher.
Note: Change (1) with (0) or vice versa to disable the corresponding active

Code Result
Application:SetGodMode(1) - God Mode
Application:SetNoManaUsage(1) - Unlimited Mana
Application:FastHeroCast(1) Create - Heroes Fast
Application:SetBuildingFastBuildMode(1) - Fast Build
Application:SetFigureTechTreeMode(1) - All Units
Application:GiveMeGoods(99999) - Add Raw Materials
Application:SetBuildingTechTreeMode(1) - All Buildings
Atmosphere:TimeLock(1) - Freeze current time of day
Atmosphere:TimeLock (1) - Time froze
Atmosphere:SetHour (x) - Change Time (x= 0-24)
Atmosphere:SetAngle (x) - Cyle of Sun (x=0-x; 1-177=
Day ; 178-351= Night (Avtivite TimeLock before)
DebugInfo:LoadConfig (x) x=Number - Load Config
DebugInfo:SaveConfig (x) x=Number - Save Config
GameView:Mode_ShowDebugOn () - Switch World Block Debuger on
GameView:Mode_ShowDebugOff () - Switch World Block Debuger out

Camera:ScriptAddLookAt (x,x,x,x,x,x) x=Number
Camera:ScriptAddLookAtRelative (x,x,x,x,x,x,x) x=Number
Camera:ScriptAddMoveTo (x,x,x,x,x,x) x=Number
Camera:ScriptAddMoveToRelative (x,x,x,x,x,x,x) x=Number
Camera:ScriptAddSpline (x) x=Number
Camera:ScriptAddDeploy (x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x) x=Number
Camera:ScriptReset () Delete Camera Scripts
Camera:ScriptStart () Start Camera Scripts
Camera:MotionSpline_Reset ()
Camera:MotionSpline_SetBehaviour (x) x=Number
Camera:MotionSpline_AddSplinePoint (x,x,x) x=Number
Camera:MotionSpline_SetMovementLength (x) x=Number
Camera:MotionSpline_SetCorrection (x) x=Number
Camera:MotionSpline_SetSlowDown (x) x=Number
Camera:ScriptSplineLookAtPosition (x,x,x) x=Number
Camera:ScriptSplineLookAtApproachingModifier (x) x=Number
Camera:ScriptSplineModifyCursorSpeed (x) x=Number
Camera:ScriptSplineModifyCursorSpeedModifier (x) x=Number
Camera:ScriptSplineLookAtNpc (x) x=Number
Camera:ScriptSplineAddTargetLookAtOffset (x,x,x) x=Number
GdsMainGump ()
GdsMainGumpQuestBook ()
GdsMain:WatchNpc (x) x=Number
GdsMain:UnwatchNpc (x) x=Number
GdsMain:WatchVar (x,x) x=Number
GdsMain:UnwatchVar (x,x) x=Number
GdsMain:SetVariableInt (x,x,x) x=Number
GdsMain:SetQuestState (x,x) x=Number
ObjectLibrary:AddNewEquipment (x) or (x,x)
ObjectLibrary:CreateNewFigure (x,x)
ObjectLibrary:CreateNewEffect ( )
ObjectLibrary:AddNewMonument (x)
ObjectLibrary:GetObject ( )
ObjectLibrary:CreateNewObject (y) y=Objectcategorie
ObjectLibrary:GetBlendingLibrary ()
Ocean:SetFog (1,1)
Render:EnableFog (1)
Render:SetFogColor (R,G,B)
Render:SetFogDensity (x,x,x,x,x)
Render:Textures (0) 0=with Texture 1=without Texture
Render:EnableFog (2) 2=no Models 1=Models

Debug mode:
Press [Ctrl] + D during game play to enable debug mode.
Hold [Ctrl] and press W, E, R, or S to toggle various debug functions.



Level Passwords

Spherical Worlds

Spherical Worlds





In Specials, enter:(for pc)
Enemies Have Big Heads Code: JOELSPEANUTS
Play as Mary Jane Code: GIRLNEXTDOOR
Play as The Shocker Code: HERMANSCHULTZ
Play as a Scientist Code: SERUM
Play as a Police Officer Code: REALHERO
Play as Captain Stacey Code: CAPTAINSTACEY
Play as Thug Model 1 Code: KNUCKLES
Play as Thug Model 2 Code: STICKYRICE
Play as Thug Model 3 Code: THUGRUS
All Fighting Controls Code: KOALA
First Person View Code: UNDERTHEMASK
Infinite Webbing Code: ORGANICWEBBING
Big Head and Feet Code: GOESTOYOURHEAD
Small Spider-Man Code: SPIDERBYTE
Matrix-Style Attacks Code: DODGETHIS
Super Coolant Code: CHILLOUT
Goblin-Style Costume Code: FREAKOUT
Regular Levels,FMVs,Gallery Code: ARACHNID
Level Skip Code: ROMITAS
Level Select Code: IMIARMAS
Bonus Training Levels Code: HEADEXPLODY

Update by: Goshik

Go to SPECIAL / CHEATS and enter the codes from
the list.

Result Code
master code - eel nats
level select - xclsior
invincibility - rustcrst
full health - dcstur
unlimited webbing - strudl
all comic books - allsixcc
all gallery characters - cviewen
symbiote spidey costume - blkspider
spidey 2099 costume - twntyndn
Toon Spidey - FUNKYTWN
Stick Spidey - STICKMAN
Ben Reilly Costume - CLUBNOIR
invulnerable - ADMNTIUM
What If Contest - UATUSEES
Character Viewer - RGSGLLRY
Movie Viewer - CINEMA
Comic Collection - FANBOY
Level Select - MME WEB
Game Comic Covers - KIRBYFAN
Storyboard Viewer - ROBRTSON
Quick Change Costume - SM LVIII
Peter Parker Costume - MRWATSON
Amazing Bag Man Costume - KICK ME
Scarlet Spider Costume - XILRTRNS
Spidey Unlimited Costume - SYNOPTIC
Captain Universe Costume - TRISNTNL
spidey 2099 costume - MIGUELOH
symbiote spidey costume - SECRTWAR
James Jewett - RULUR
pulsating head - EGOTRIP
unlimited webbing - GLANDS
everything - LEANEST
full health - WEAKNESS

Easy enemy kills:
Thug: If you have enough web fluid, just web trap him until he
is down and he will disappear. You can also just web yank them
into a wall, impact web them off a building, or grapple them
and punch them until they are gone.
Bank Thug: Same strategy as for Thug.
Police and Swat: Do not bother fighting them, just keep moving.
Police Helicopter: When you see the target, move. The easiest
way to get out of the way is to jump towards the nearest
building and web swing over. You cannot destroy the helicopters.
Lizard Men: Strategies vary, depending on where you are. If
facing multiple men in a tunnel, web yank one to you and finish
him off with your fist one at a time. If one is near water, web
yank or impact web him into it. If one is on a pipe above a pit,
impact web him or yank him in.
Symbiotes: First, destroy the generators. If alone (without fire
webbing) jump and hit punch or kick to hit him from above, then
hit with a 1, 2, 3 combo and repeat. If near a furnace, knock him
into it to set him on fire. If you have fire webbing, impact web
him or web trap him until he catches fire. When in the warehouse,
pick up a can or box that is labeled flammable and throw it at
them. If you are low on energy and on the subway or fighting a
large group of symbiotes, constantly create web-domes until they
are all gone, or the sub stops.
Any enemy can be grabbed and punched or kicked except the Bosses.
Often the grab maneuver followed by a punch or kick will do the
job. Most often the punch is more effective because you can perform
it as many times as needed to successfully kill the enemy. Note:
This tactic does not work as well on the pink Symbiotes. They can
sometimes throw you over their back.
Unlock the enhanced strength costumes, then use the web gloves to
kill enemies easier: thugs (1), henchmen (1 or 2), lizardmen
(1 or 3), and symbiotes (3)

Level 5.3: Hidden room:
In level 5.3 (the level before Mysterio, downstairs in the Daily
Bugle), you have to destroy two Symbiote generators and then find
the imposter Spider-Man-Mysterio. After finding the first generator
and destroying it, find the second one. The wall behind the second
generator is holographic. It does not appear so, but when you try
to climb it, you will go right through. Two web cartridges and one
flame cartridge are inside.

Stop The Presses level: What If mode flattened Spider-Man:
If Spider-Man falls into the printing press, a flattened Spidey in
his red and blue suit will be stuck to the paper (no matter which
suit you use).

Waterfront Warehouse level: What If mode hidden armor:
Go to the waterfront warehouse in "What If" mode. When you start,
there will be a stack of boxes next to you with one of the
generators on it. Go past this stack to find a box that appears
different from the rest. You can take off the cover of the box
just by doing the same action to lift objects. Inside the box is
Spidey armor and "The Ark Of The Covenant".

Waterfront Warehouse level: What if mode No-Prize envelope:
When you first enter the Waterfront Warehouse level, go to the
left and jump up on the boxes. The boxes on top will have the
Marvel Comics "No-Prize" envelope wording on them.

Make Spider-Man sleep:
Start the game in "What If" mode and do not do anything.
Spider-Man will eventually will shoot a web straight up,
cling on it, and start sleeping. Note: This only happens in
indoor levels, or in levels with a ceiling.

What If mode:
What If mode adds small variances in the game, for example
The Torch will be on the FF building. You will know that it
is definitely unlocked, if you see the Watcher just after the
second FMV sequence (featuring the helicopters). He will have
new dialogue.

Tony Hawk appearance:
After you defeat Scorpion, he will knock over a desk with a
television. As it falls you can see Tony Hawk skate boarding
on the monitor.




Go to SPECIAL / CHEATS and enter the code SYNOPTIC for Spidey Unlimited
Costume .now go to special/ Spidey Unlimited Costume then
press escape to go to the main menu and start the game .while you'r playing
the game press aim and punch together to toggle invincibility .
note:invincibility won't work against helecopter (police) & bosses.

Spider-Man 2 - The Game

Spider-Man 2 - The Game

Health cheat:
1. This requires a saved game to work, so either start a new game and reach a save
point or use an old save.

2. Backup the files: gamestat.ini and game#.ini (where # is the number of the saved
game from 0-9) from the \Spider-Man 2\System directory (eg: game0.ini)

3. Edit both files with notepad.exe (or equivalent)

4a.For \Spider-Man 2\Systemgamestat.ini change the line:

MaxHealth=100 // 200 is upgraded value


MaxHealth=1000 // 2000 is upgraded value

Now save the file.

4b. For \Spider-Man 2\Systemgame#.ini change the value:



Health=1000 MaxHealth=1000

This will give you 1000 hit points 10x the standard.
Use higher values if necessary, you can edit your current health
at any time by reaching a save point and changing the line Health=###
in the game#.ini to it's max value again.
Thankfully, this doesn't effect enemy forces.


type these codes in the main menu.
1)valgium - 1000 life
2)tokesta - 1000 webs
3)estrotr - twice jump
4)putfull - in visible

Spider-Man2-The game - Level select:

This needs editing game*.ini file.Go to
X:\....\Spider-Man 2\System folder & search for the

file game*.ini('*' indicates number 0-8).Open the file
& do the following changes.

level 1: Rhino's Rampage
(If u want save as game0.ini).

level 2:8-Armed Robbery
LevelComplete1=1 (default LevelComplete0=o make 1)
(default will be :LevelComplete1=o
LevelComplete1=0 make it has 1)
(If u want save as game1.ini).

Level 3: Puma Pounces
(If u want save as game2.ini).

Level 4: OsCorp Assault

(If u want save as game3.ini).

Level 5:Mission: Mysterio's Calamity
(If u want save as game4.ini).

Level 6:Subway Peril

(If u want save as game5.ini).

Level 7: Final Battle
(If u want save as game6.ini).

Level 8: Free Play
(If u want save as game7.ini).


type these cheats in middle of game
iwontlikecriminels - enemies died


flashspidermotor = complete all levels

An easly way to defeat Doc Octopus:

I've found a easly way to defeat Doc Octopus in the train that is
treated at the chapter no 6.9.4 of the Spider-Man 2 Walkthrough in
the CheatBook Database 2005. It is very simple and consist only in
get between a vagon and another nearly Doc Octopus. As many times
he shot at you he never will catch you! And when your Spidey sense
tingles you jump and get between another vagon nearly Doc Octopus.
In the final of the process you will get out of the train with 100%
of your life!!!


If you are tired of playing the demo of spider-man2,and you want the

Spider 2

Spider 2

With N a level forward, with L a level back.

Spider Man And Venom - Separation Anxiety

Spider Man And Venom - Separation Anxiety

Expert mode:
Enter MRRYPN as a password.

Level select:
Enter SCBCRS as a password.
Note: This feature may only be used to play a single level.

Level Password

Spiderman - The Movie

Spiderman - The Movie

Here are a whole load of extras and codes:

All cheats need to be entered at the options menu and usually the Green
Goblin will laugh if you have entered the code correctly

All Levels + Movies - ARACHNID
Get Super Coolant - CHILLOUT
Get Big head mode - JOELSPEANUTS
Unlock All-Fighting Controls - KOALA
All Production notes + some Movies - IMIARMAS
Get Character Scientist - SERUM
Get Character Shocker - HERMANSCHULTZ
Get Character Mary Jane Watson - GIRLNEXTDOOR
Get Character Thug 1 - KNUCKLES
Get Character Thug 2 - STICKYRICE
Get Character Thug 3 - THUGSRUS
Get Character Matrix Spidey - FREAKOUT
Get Character Helicopter Pilot - CAPTAINSTACEY
Get Character Police Officer - REAL HERO
Get Matrix Attacks - DODGETHIS
Get Unlimited Webbing - ORGANICWEBBING
Get Next Level Feature in in-game menu - ROMITAS
Get 1st Person Mode - UNDERTHEMASK
Get Extra Training Levels - HEADEXPLODY
Get Big Head & Feet Spider-Man - GOESTOYOURHEAD
Get Tiny Spider-Man - SPIDERBYTE


Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "ARACHNID" as a code. If you entered
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. All regular levels,
FMV sequences, and gallery pictures will be unlocked. Repeat code entry to
return to normal.

Level select
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "IMIARMAS" as a code. If you entered
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry
to return to normal.

Level skip
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "ROMITAS" as a code. If you entered the
code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to
return to normal. Pause the game and select the "Next Level" option to advance
to the next level.

Bonus training levels
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "HEADEXPLODY" as a code. If you entered
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry
to return to normal.

Infinite webbing
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "ORGANICWEBBING" as a code. If you entered
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to
return to normal.

All fighting controls
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "KOALA" as a code. If you entered the code
correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return
to normal.

Play as Mary Jane
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "GIRLNEXTDOOR" as a code. If you entered
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry
to return to normal.

Play as The Shocker
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "HERMANSCHULTZ" as a code. If you entered
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to
return to normal.

Play as a scientist
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "SERUM" as a code. If you entered the code
correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return
to normal.

Play as a police officer
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "REALHERO" as a code. If you entered the
code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to
return to normal.

Play as Captain Stacey (helicopter pilot)
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "CAPTAINSTACEY" as a code. If you entered
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry
to return to normal.

Play as thug model 1
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "KNUCKLES" as a code. If you entered the
code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to
return to normal.

Play as thug model 2
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "STICKYRICE" as a code. If you entered
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry
to return to normal.

Play as thug model 3
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "THUGSRUS" as a code. If you entered the
code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to
return to normal.

Matrix-style attacks
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "DODGETHIS" as a code. If you entered
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry
to return to normal.

Goblin-style costume
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "FREAKOUT" as a code. If you entered
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code
entry to return to normal.

Small Spider-Man
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "SPIDERBYTE" as a code. If you entered
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry
to return to normal.

Big head and feet for Spider-Man
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "GOESTOYOURHEAD" as a code. If you entered
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry
to return to normal.

Enemies have big heads
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "JOELSPEANUTS" as a code. If you entered
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry
to return to normal.

First person view
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "UNDERTHEMASK" as a code. If you entered
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry
to return to normal.

Super coolant
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "CHILLOUT" as a code. If you entered the
code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to
return to normal.

Pinhead Bowling mini-game
Accumulate 10,000 points during game play to unlock the Pinhead bowling mini-
game in the training menu.

Vulture FMV sequence
Accumulate 20,000 points during game play to unlock the Vulture FMV sequence
in the CG menu.

Shocker FMV sequence
Accumulate 30,000 points during game play to unlock the Shocker FMV sequence
in the CG menu.

Green Goblin FMV sequence
Successfully complete the game on the hero or greater difficulty setting.


play as harry osborn in goblin suit: start a new game in hero mode
quit go to specials and type "arachnid" go to level select and click
conclusion then go to secerate store go down to the bottom and turn
it on (this also works for all the characters that you get by
beatting the game).

Spittin' Image

Spittin' Image

The game is easiest if fought in this order:
1) Reagan, Pope
2) Gorby, Pope
3) Ayatollah, Pope
4) Botha, Pope
5) Margaret, Pope

Splatter Joe

Splatter Joe


Code Result
Shift' + H = full health (max. 100)
Shift' + A = more ammo (max. 9999)
Shift' + G = more grenades (max. 99)
Shift' + Backspace = restart level
Shift' + N = next level
Shift' + L = last level

Splatterhouse 2

Splatterhouse 2


Splinter Cell

Splinter Cell

Press [F2] to open the console when playing then type:

Result Code
Full health - health
Invisibility - invisible 1
Disable invisibility - invisible 0
Full ammunition - ammo
Flight mode - fly
No clipping mode - ghost
gameplay after ghost Fly / Etc - walk
Freeze enemies - playersonly
No enemies - killpawns


summon echeloningredient.ef2000 Gives F2000
summon echeloningredient.eAmmoF2000 Gives Ammo for F2000
summon echeloningredient.eRingAirfoilRound Gives Ring Airfoil Projectile
summon echeloningredient.eStickyShocker Gives Sticky Shocker
summon echeloningredient.eSmokeGrenade Gives Smoke Grenade
summon echeloningredient.eStickyCamera Gives Sticky Camera
summon echeloningredient.eDiversionCamera Gives Diversion Camera
summon echeloningredient.eFn7 Gives Fn7
summon echeloningredient.eAmmoFn7 Gives Ammo for Fn7
summon echeloningredient.eLockPick Gives Lock Pick
summon echeloningredient.eLaserMic Gives Laser Mic
summon echeloningredient.eCameraJammer Gives Camera Jammer
summon echeloningredient.eOpticCable Gives Optic Cable
summon echeloningredient.eDisposablePick Gives Disposable Lock Pick
summon echeloningredient.eWallMine Gives Wall Mine
summon echeloningredient.eChemFlare Gives Chemical Flare
summon echeloningredient.eFlare Gives Emergency Flares
summon echeloningredient.eFragGrenade Gives Frag Grenade
summon echeloningredient.eMedKit Gives Medical Kit
0_0_2_Training Opens Training Map
1_1_0Tbilisi Opens Police Station
1_2_1DefenseMinistry Opens Defense Ministry Map
1_3_2CaspianOilRefinery Opens GFO Oil Rig Map
2_1_0CIA Opens CIA HQ
2_2_1_Kalinatek Opens Kalinatek Map
4_1_1ChineseEmbassy Opens Chinese Embassy Map
4_2_1_Abattoir Opens Mouke Tsoe Bo Meats Map
4_3_0ChineseEmbassy Opens Return to the Chinese Embassy Map
5_1_1_PresidentialPalacea Opens Presidential Palace Map

Keypad Codes:
Mission 1 - Police Station

Keypad #1: 091772
Keypad #2: 5929

Mission 4 - CIA HQ

Keypad #1: 7687
Keypad #2: 110598
Keypad #3: 2019
Keypad #4: 110700
Keypad #5: 0614 (if Dougherty gets through the door before you can)

Mission 5 - Kalinatek

Keypad #1: 97531
Keypad #2: 33575
Keypad #3: 1250

Mission 8 - Chinese Embassy, Part II

Keypad #1: 1436
Keypad #2: 9753
Keypad #3: 1456
Keypad #4: 1834
Keypad #5: 7921

Mission 9 - Presidential Palace

Keypad #1: 2126
Keypad #2: 70021
Keypad #3: 66768


How To Get Door Code and other Information without killing a man:
just before killing a guard or man for door code or information save
your game then kill him and take information and then reload your game.
now you have door code without killing a man.

Defense Ministry: Make Irving Lambert mad:
When you go down to the car parking for the first time, your object is to
interrogate Grinko's Driver. Grab him, and after you have interrogated him
knock him out. Lambert will tell you a new objective. After he has finished
talking take out your SC pistol and shoot Grinko's driver in the head.
Then, start going back upstairs. Lambert will contact you and say, "
Fisher what was that?" and Sam will reply, "He was a bad guy".
Then Lambert will say, "Don't do that anymore, it's sloppy work

Abbatoir: Ammunition:
When you are in the room with a guard sitting at the desk that must be
interrogated, behind the
laptop is a machine gun. Near that there is a lot of 5.56mm ammunition for your SC-20K.

Abbatoir: Easy kills:
Before dropping into the freezer, while in the ceiling use your thermal goggles
and take out the three guards.

Abbatoir: Kill Grinko easily:
Equip a sticky shocker to your SC20K and shoot Grinko with it. The sticky
shocker will kill Grinko with one hit.

Kalinatek: Extra ammunition:
Once you have finished with the bomb and go to the stage room, there will
be two men. One of them has bullets for your SC-20K gun.

Nuclear Power Plant: Ammunition and frag grenades:
Once you go past the lock pick door, climb the pipe next to the door. Only
climb the first pipe, then fall from pipe to pipe until you go to the other
side of the fence on the right part of the fence. Note: If you climb the fence,
there is no way to go to the other part. You will find some pistol ammunition
and frag grenades.

You cannot be seen when hiding in dark places. Shoot the lights to make it
dark, but make sure that there are no guards around. Do not stay in the
light too long.

Disabling Wall Mines:
Slowly go up to a Wall Mine. It will flash red and green at an even pace.
To disable this, you have to press [Action] when it flashes green. If it
becomes red the instant before you press [Action], it will explode. The way
to always do this safely is to hold [Action] button when the "Disable Wall
Mine" selection appears. Then, if it is green, release the button. If it is
red on the screen, move the selection up to "Back To Game" and try again.

Escaping a room full of soldiers:
Take a sticky camera or smoke grenades and throw it near where the most guards
are located. For the sticky camera, a control bar that tells you how to make
a noise or use smoke will appear at the bottom of the screen. Throw the smoke
grenade and the smoke should knock out some guards. When the smoke appears from
the grenade(s), it is your chance to run for it .

Knock out an enemy:
To knock out an enemy without killing him, equip the sticky camera and shoot it
at his head. Aim slightly above the head to compensate for gravity. After he is
down, pick up the sticky camera and use it again. You can throw bottles to knock
out guards. You must aim and hit them in the head.

Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory

Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory

Cheat Method:

Use the following method to enable cheat codes in the game.
1)Start the game and create a profile. Do NOT use the "DEFAULT" profile.
Save the game at least once after creating your profile.

2)Open up the .ini file for your profile using Notepad.
You can find this file using the folder structure "Documents and
Settings\YOUR USERNAME\Application Data\Ubisoft\Tom Clancy's
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory\profiles". The ini file is named the same
as the profile you created in step #1.

Note: The Application Data folder is HIDDEN in Windows by default.
To unhide it, open a windows explorer window, select Tools -> Folder Options.
Select the view tab and in the advanced settings area, in the hidden files and
folders node, select the "Show hidden files and folders".

3)Look for empty keys to bind commands to. These may look like "F1=", "F2=", etc.
Add any of the following cheat commands to the end of these blank bindings.

Code Result
Invisible 1 - Invisibility
Invincible 1 - God Mode
ammo - Give Ammo
fly - Fly Mode
walk - Walk Mode
playersonly - Freeze Enemies
health - Give Health
killpawns - Kill All Enemies
ghost - No Clipping Mode
OPSAT - Unknown Effect

So, once you bind the commands, it will look something like:

F2=Invincible 1

...etc. Make sure there are no spaces between the "=" and the command.

4)Save the file and start the game back up, selecting your profile.
Now, while playing you can use the keys that you set up in the file.
Using the example above, pressing "F2" would give you god mode, etc.

Start the levels:
SplinterCell3.exe 03_Bank

SplinterCell3.exe X (X are the Level):


The *.EXE can be found under:
...\Ubisoft\Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory\System

Mission 3: Bank
Keypad to left security booth on first floor: 3624
Keypad to right security booth on first floor: 3624
Keypad to main security room: 2306
Keypad to treasurer's office: 8645
Keypad to bank's back door: 3901
Keypad before president's office: Code unknown, must be hacked
Keypad to safe in president's office: Code unknown, must be hacked

Mission 4: Penthouse
Keypad To Dvorak Room: Code unknown, must be hacked

Mission 5: Displace
Keypad to door between meeting room and lobby on second floor: 8136
Keypad to door between meeting room and lobby on first floor: 8136
Keypad to CEO's meeting room: 2346
Keypad to CEO's office: 2609
Keypad to fire escape: 3485
Keypad to central server room: Code unknown, must be hacked
Keypad to R&D server room: Code unknown, must be hacked

Mission 6: Hokkaido
No Keypad Locked Doors

Mission 7: Battery
Keypad to shipping area: 1879
Keypad to elevator: Code unknown, must be hacked

Mission 8: Seoul
No keypad locked doors

Mission 9: Bathhouse
Keypad to owner's office: 3650

Mission 10: Kokubo Sosho
Keypad To Server Room: 1945

Catching Shetland:
Have your sniper zoomed-in on the guard. When there is a fight, shoot,
run, and catch Shetland. Then, end the mission.

Bank: Invisible laser beam:
To avoid detection by the invisible laser trip wire in the entrance of
the vault, closely examine the entrance with your thermal goggles on.
Then, use your OCP to disable the laser emitter and walk out of the vault.
By doing this, you can leave without sounding the alarm.

Bathhouse: Finding the bombs:
After going through the gate when chasing Shetland, the first bomb is directly
to the left of the gate that you enter. Go left through a little crevice and you
should see a red light flashing. Go to it and disarm it. When you do that, one of
Shetland's gaurds will walk up the stairs. Kill him. To get to the second bomb,
go up the stairs. Turn left then turn right and look straight ahead. You should
see another red flashing light down below the walkway. Hop over the ledge of the
railing and disarm the second bomb. When you are done disarming the bomb, jump on
to the railing and pull yourself up. Two guards will be to your left, walking on
the walkway. They will probably hear you; get ready to kill them. It is fairly
difficult to kill them without losing a lot of life, or at least dying.
After you kill them, go down the walkway to the back wall. About halfway you will
see another red flashing light. Jump across the little gap and disarm it. A guard
will come through the back door right when you disarm the bomb. Kill him, then go
through the door and meet Shetland. You will then have to make a critical choice;
note: pull the trigger. It would be a good idea to quicksave the game whenever you
disarm and kill the guards.

Bathhouse: Alternate Shetland Death:
At the end of the level, Shetland and Sam will be on top of a roof with their guns
pointed at each other. After a short conversation, Shetland will put his gun away
and say "You wouldn't shoot an old friend". You are given a choice, shoot or put
your gun away. If you shoot, Shetland will stumble backwards and the intermission
sequence for the level's ending will play. However if you put your gun away, Shetland
will quickly pull his gun out and point it at Sam. Sam will duck his weapon and stab
Shetland in the stomach before throwing him. This will then start the same ending

Bathhouse: Splinter Cell reference:
You must go through the warm baths at one point in the level. There are two guards
here. Interrogate one of them and he will tell you that Shetland's elite guards have
thermal goggles. He will also add that they will not do much good in steam, because
steam is not fog, as in an abbatoir. This is a reference to the original Splinter
Cell game, in which Abbatoir is a level.

Hokkaido: Splinter Cell reference:
After you scan Milon Nedich's liscence plate and enter the building, you will overhear
some guards talking about ninjas. One will be telling the other that he was stationed
on an oil rig and that it was attacked by a ninja. This is a reference to the first
Splinter Cell in which Sam is the ninja.

I-SDF Base: Splinter Cell reference:
You can overhear a couple of guards talking in the main hall. One will say something
about how guarding the place is just like guarding the CIA HQ; nobody would break in
there. This is a reference to the original Splinter Cell, in which you must break into
CIA headquarters.

I-SDF Base: Metal Gear Solid reference:
When you get to the lower floors in the I-SDF base, interrogate a guard. Sam will ask
him about his LTL (less-than-lethal) weapon. The guard will tell Sam that the ammunition
is some kind of electric round. Sam asks where he can find some. To this the guard replies:
"It's not like you can shake me, and make my ammo drop on the floor". This is a reference
to the Metal Gear Solid games, in which you can do just that.

Lighthouse: Alternate way to retrieve the radio data:
During the mission you will have to overhear some data being said on a radio transmission
by a guard. If you fail to do this, you can just find the data in a filing cabinet next
to the radio.

Penthouse: Bouncing guard:
On the ground floor after you have knocked out two guards (the one who is repairing the
elevator and the other one that is talking to him), put one or more of the guards in the
elevator with Sam. Sam must turn on his night vision and press the button to go to the
top floor. Watch the guard's body bounce around like popcorn.

If you move around with your gun drawn, the noise meter will not move.
This is very useful when sneaking up on someone quickly.

100% rating:
In order to get a 100% rating on any mission, you must complete the level with the
following statistics. It is unknown at this time if there is a reward for getting a
100% rating on every mission.
Enemies killed: 0
Civilians killed: 0
Bodies Found: 0
Times Identified as intruder: 0
Alarms sounded: 0

Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow

Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow

This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the
file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "splintercell2user.ini"
file in the "\splinter cell pandora tomorrow\offline\system" folder.
Bind one of the following codes to a function key as indicated, then
press it during game play to toggle the corresponding cheat function.
For example, make the corresponding changes to that file.

F6=summon echeloningredient.estickyshocker
F7=summon echeloningredient.eringairfoilround
F9=summon echeloningredient.efraggrenade
F10=summon echeloningredient.estickycamera
F11=summon echeloningredient.ediversioncamera
F12=summon echeloningredient.ecamerajammer

Effect Code
Enable God mode - invincible 1
Disable God mode - invincible 0
Full health - health
Invisibility - invisible 1
Disable invisibility - invisible 0
Full ammunition - ammo
Flight mode - fly
No clipping mode - ghost
Disable flight and no clipping modes - walk
View stealth amount - stealth
Freeze enemies - playersonly 1
Unfreeze enemies - playersonly 0
No enemies - killpawns
Modify settings, including key binding - preferences
Complete current mission - mission win
Spawn indicated item - summon
Quickly quit game - quit

Item names:

Use one of the following entries with the summon code.


Hint: Defeating Norman Soth:

After you have climbed up the elevator cables and have gotten on top of
the other elevator, crawl through the hole in the wall. Norman Soth and
two other mercenaries are on the top pathways. While in the hole, there
will be one guard on the top path, slightly to the right. You should be
able to shoot him in the head. Then, a timer will start and you will
have one minute to kill Norman Soth and his other mercenary. When you
shoot the first mercenary, drop out of the hole onto the first pathway.
The second mercenary will go to exactly where the you shot the first
mercenary. Shoot the second mercenary in the head. Note: The second
guard will be aiming at the hole, so he will not see you if you drop
out of the hole. The last person to kill is Normon Soth. Start running
down the pathway and turn left on the second to last walkway on the left.
Look up and turn on your thermal vision. You will see Normon Soth.
Get a clear shot and shoot him in the head. After that you must retrieve
the smallpox box from the top pathway. If you are on the second to last
pathway on the left, go up the ladder. There will be another ladder; use
it to climb up. Drop off the ledge onto the pathway. Run down the middle
pathway to find the smallpox box.

Hint: Knocking out guards:

To knock out a guard without using a Sticky Shocker or a Air Foil, shoot
a Sticky Cam at their head. Note: It must hit him directly in the head
for the guard to get knocked out.

Hint: Stealth:

To move quieter, crouch down and walk slower. This will make your steps
softer, and keep you undetected to a limit.

To decrease your chances of being seen, shoot out the lights with your
gun. Be careful, as if there is an enemy is under that light they may
see you shooting it out.

Prince Of Persia reference:

On the mission when you are on the train, look in the second car
where the guard is located. Knock him out then go behind the fenced
door. Look down you will see a magazine featuring Prince Of Persia.




Sponge Bob Squarepants - Employee of The Month

Sponge Bob Squarepants - Employee of The Month


Chapter 1: Secret videotape:
In downtown, walk to the left of Patrick. Enter the jewelry store.
Talk to the person behind the counter to get the videotape.

Chapter 2: Secret videotape:
Enter the WCEA station. Enter the room under the stairs to the news
room. Enter the broadcast room and talk to Plankton. Do what he asks,
then talk to him again to get the videotape.

Chapter 3: Secret videotape:
Enter Sponge Bob's house. Open the closet door on the wall to the right.

Chapter 4: Secret videotape:
In Oxygen Springs, enter the building with Patrick's pants.
Open the Davey Jones' Locker door to the right to find the videotape.

Spooky Castle - The Adventures of Kid Mystic

Spooky Castle - The Adventures of Kid Mystic

Simply type in any of these words when
playing the game:

Code Result
kablooie - Huge Explosions
hammersplease - Max Hammer Power
zappo - Win Current Level
zool - Get Keys
medic - Restore Health
agua - Walk on Water/Lava
barrier - Shield
plopplopfizfiz- Ultimate fireballs
damedinero - $500

Armageddon Sword:
Collect every sword in each chapter to obtain the
ultimate weapon, the Armageddon Sword.

Free Items:
First you need as much money as you need to buy the item you want, so fight
a lot. Go into the shop in the chapter, and buy the item you want, then
press exit but DON'T move! Save the game right away, and then load it
WITHOUT moving. You will get the item you wanted AND all your money back!

get secret level:
now dis one's not gonna be easy but follow dis,
first ya gonna need the FOUR keychains ( the squash, the rocket , the
pumpkin and the hammer )there real easy ta find
No.1 (the squash) you'll find dis one in da cemetery, just keep going down
to da last line of gravestones,and presto!!! it's right behind the first one
no.2 (the rocket) you'll find dis one in 'a warm bath'
just type 'agua' to walk over the lava to da right of ya then you'll see
no.3 ( the pumpkin ) dis one's in 'cobweb central' ya need at least one
hammer for dis then go up the top-right hand passage untill da very end then
keep firing hammers at the top left wall so a secret passage opens then,
well daaa !! go up it stupid!!
no.4 (the hammer) its on da level 'whats with the bats?' i gess you've
alredy seen where it is but how to get in well its easy, IF and only if you
have seen it , in the top left hand corner of da box you'll see sumfin' dat
looks kinda funny on da floor, just walk over it to press it then find da
two uda ones but i'm not going to tell you where !!!

Chapter 1: Piece of Armageddon Sword:
The Armageddon sword piece in chapter 1 is on the level Grasslands at the
top left corner. There is a hole in the grass, go through that.

Chapter 1: Level up:
It is a good idea to go to level 50 and get all the items while still in chapter 1.

Chapter 3: Money and spell:
On chapter 3, The Vault, the combination is X V I (16 in Roman numerals).
You can then enter the safe and have a choice. You can select either Knowledge
but only one or Wealth. Select "Knowledge", then "Give up". You will still have
the spell. Reenter the combination, go into the money section, get the money,
and you will get both.

Sports Car GT

Sports Car GT


Enter "isi-cheeseman" at the game menu to enable
cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes
at the game menu.

Code Result
isi-delicate - Kittycat mode
isi-tbone - all tracks and cars
isi-corsica - all car parts
isi-aardvark - 5.000.000$
isi-plague - GT3league

Perfect shifting is essential for a good run, and because
an automatic tranny just won't cut it, you should learn
to monitor redline in all gears and shift right there.

There's a good reason some cars cost more than others.
In the GT3 class, for instance, an unmodified
Porsche 911 will wax an unmodified Saleen Mustang.
Therefore, if you can squeak by in one series without
blowing all your dough on a full load of equipment,
do it, and save your money for a better car in the
next series.

When purchasing new components, it pays to upgrade
slightly in as many categories as possible, rather
than going real heavy in just one or two. For example,
it's better to sport midrange tires, midrange brakes,
and a midrange turbo charger than to go with an expensive
high-end turbo and marginal handling.

Learn the course in advance! Then practice until you know
exactly where each turn begins, what its length and radius
is, and where it ends. And make use of all that track
width enter corners from the outside, cut in close to
the apex, and swing out wide again for maximum speed.
Remember, inconsistency coupled with the odd flash of
brilliance will get you nowhere fast.

Sportsman's Paradise 2

Sportsman's Paradise 2

Press F2 to bring up the console then put in one of
the following codes and press F2 again to activate

Code Result
spshowall - this shows the animals on the map
spnearshot - brings you close to the nearest animal
sphideandseek - makes you invisible to the animals
spgreatstuff - makes you irresistible to the animals
spgoodshot - sights in gun

Note: Animals that are killed when cheat codes are enabled
will have a tainted trophy in the trophy room.

Spring Break

Spring Break


Enter codes during gameplay:

Result Code
All Buildings Unlocked - all buildings
Faster construction - quick quick quick!
Insant: $5,000 - Alt + Shift + 4
Infinite money - costa del dosh
Topless people - Shift+Alt+T
Unlock all levels - At the map screen press Shift+Alt+U

Extra money:
While playing a game, hold [Shift] + [Alt] and keep pressing $.

change money
edit S301_???.SAV
go sector 30 offset 271 - 272
change to 0F 27

No sharks:
Hold [Shift] + [Alt] and type goawaysharks at the main menu.

Spy Hunter

Spy Hunter

infinite ammunition and infinite health:

Enter "GDOG57" (without the quotes) as name when creating a new profile.
You will have access to all tracks, infinite ammunition and infinite health.

SPLAT Magazine Renegade Paintball

SPLAT Magazine Renegade Paintball

NOTE: ALL the Cheat Codes can be entered multiple times.

Cheat Codes (case insensitive):

Typing the following sequences of letters will engage a game trigger.
They can be entered at any time (even during the intro movie).
Most triggers will produce a text message on the left hand side of your screen
to inform you that the effect is enabled.
A "Toggle" can be run again to Disable an Effect.

Trigger Effect
SafeMouse Toggle Safe Mouse pointer (incase of mouse troubles)
BEdit Open the Ground Type Editor
MovieCapture enable Movie Capture
CatEdit enable the CatEdit Game Editor
(requires EngineDebug or CatDebug first)
DebugAI Toggle AI Debugging
CatDebug Toggle All Debugging Options
IAmACheater Toggle Cheat Mode
GameDebug enable Game Debug Mode
EngineDebug enable Engine Debug Mode

The following are usable when Cheat Mode is enabled.

Keys Effect
Ctrl I Toggle the game Interface Ctrl L Lose the Current Match
Ctrl V Lose the Current Match

Some debug keys that do not require cheats to be enabled:

Keys Effect
Ctrl R Wire-Frame Graphics Mode
Ctrl + Increase Gamma
Ctrl - Decrease Gamma

Some keys that require a debug mode or other options to be enabled:

Keys Effect
---- ------
F6 Toggle Cull Cam (no idea what it does though)

1. Start the game.
2. Enable a Game Trigger (such as the Cheat Mode).
3. Enter your hot-key codes.

Ok, so the "cheats" on this game are not so great. But, maybe you can make
use of the debug options. Better than nothing, so we release it.

SSN-21 - Seawolf

SSN-21 - Seawolf

[B] activates comm panel then type CISCO SEZ then hit [ENTER].
After that you can put in these codes after you press [B]:

BE MY BUDDY - Targeted ship or sub will become ally.
FLIP HER - Turns sub around.
ZEPPLIN - Sub flys like a blimp.
DROP ANCHOR - Makes sub stop.
HEAL ME - Fixes sub.
EAT LEAD - Changes torpedo.
BOOM - Targeted object will explode.
SEE THEM - Improves sonar.
ENGAGE CLOAKING DEVICE - Hides sub from enemy sonar.

Star Control 3

Star Control 3


Enter the following during gameplay:

Result Cheat
Restore player 1 energy - Alt + F9
Restore player 2 energy - Alt + F10
Slower game - Alt + F1 or Alt + F2
Stop all ships - Backspace

There is a cheat in the melee section of SC3.
Pressing ALT-F9 during a battle starts it over
from the beginning, restoring the health of you
AND your enemy and removing the planet (if there
was one) in the process. There is a bug in SC3
that is to your advantage, kill an enemy and hit
ALT-F9 while he's exploding.
The battle will restart, your health and YOURS
ONLY will be filled back up, and your enemy will
die immediately.

Hit ALT-F9 while an enemy is
dying to restore your health.

Star Defender

Star Defender


Level Codes
level 2 - DELTA-848
level 3 - TORNADO-2
level 4 - STAR-3555
level 5 - STARWAY-8

Star Quake

Star Quake

Level passwords:

Star Rangers

Star Rangers

Cheat mode:
Type java during game play to enable cheat mode. Then, type
one of the following codes to activate the corresponding
cheat function.

Effect Code
Toggle invincibility - shazam
Toggle warp tunnel auto-pilot - cameo
Toggle full fuel and ammunition - vitaminz
Unlimited warp - scotty
All enemies on the map - iseeu
Accelerate time - zoomerz
View development - team bogons
Disable collision detection - dust
Display target boxes - boxes
Free view - iseeu
Low-resolution mode - [Shift] + [F12]
Complete current mission - voizis
Fail current mission - voizif
Mission 1 - voizi1
Mission 2 - voizi2
Mission 3 - voizi3
Mission 4 - voizi4
Mission 5 - voizi5
Mission 6 - voizi6
Mission 7 - voizi7
Mission 8 - voizi8
Mission 9 - voizi9
Mission 10 - voizi0
Mission 11 - voizi!
Mission 12 - voizi@
Mission 13 - voizi#
Mission 14 - voizi$
Mission 15 - voizi%
Mission 16 - voizi^
Mission 17 - voizi&

Star Trek - Armada

Star Trek - Armada


Press [Enter] while playing, then type:

Code Result
kobayashimaru - Skip to Next Mission
showmethemoney - Increases Money
phonehome - Chat List in Multiplayer Mode
screwyouguysimgoinghome - Boot List in Multiplayer Mode
canofwhoopass - 99 Additional Officers
imouttastepwithreality - enter Gamma quadrend
avoidance - quicker crew production
youstopmecold - quicker ship production

First open the file RTS_CFG.H. Go to the line under
difficulty settings and modify the line which says:

float EASY_DAMAGE = 0.5;
float HARD_DAMAGE = 2.0;
float EASY_DAMAGE = 0.0;
float HARD_DAMAGE = 0.0;

or whatever you want. Higher numbers make it harder.
Then set the game difficulty to Easy or Hard.
This will make your shields impervious to normal weapons fire.
Any specials that naturally kill shields will still work.

Transport More People:
Modify the same file as above (RTS_CFG.H.) and look for the
line TRANSPORTER_MAX = 5;. Change this number to something
higher and your transporters will carry more people each time.

Unlimited Money Trick:
This cheat will allow any player with access to a NEBULA
class starship with the GEMINI EFFECT to a source of
unlimited money.

To do this have your NEBULA class parked close to a ship
yard with another ship (should be a ship which can be quickly
dismantled, [any of the first three classes of ships should
work fine]) parked close. Fire the GEMINI EFFECT onto this
ship and once it hits have the cloned ship sent for dismantling.
If done quickly enough you will gain money for the dismantled
ship, without losing any ships this process can then be
repeated as many times as needed as a continuous source of money.

Fool Those Romulans:

When a Romulan science ship uses Holo Emiter on you, you can
transport through their shields with your holo-ed ships.

Neat Black Hole:

In the multiplayer level Junkyard, play without shroud or fog.
Once the game begins, the Premonition (future ship) falls into
the black hole at the center of the screen.

-The Federation Steamrunner class and Romulan Raptor class have
the longest firing range in the entire game. They also do more
damage than any other single weapon, and have splash damage.
Use them to weaken enemy defences from a distance.

-Borg Assimalators are equipped only with torpedoes. Don't send
them to the front lines; use them for support, as torpedoes can miss.

-It's a good idea to have more than one advanced or normal shipyard.
Never know when you might need that extra Sovergnc:)

-Romulan Warbirds are probably the most practicle ships in the game,
as they can cloak (all romulans can) and can drain enemy shields.
In the final campain for single player, use Warbirds as much
as possible.

Star Trek - Armada 2

Star Trek - Armada 2


Press [Enter] during game play, type one of the following codes,
then press [Enter].

Result Code
Increase ship AI - canofwhoopass
Additional Dilithium - showmethemoney
Boot list in multi-player mode - screwyouguysimgoinghome
Chat list in multi-player mode - phonehome
Mission skip - kobayashimaru
Lose mission - kobayashimaru_lost
Enter Gamma quadrant - imouttastepwithreality
Enemy's science ships disappear - nomoreships
Faster ship production - youstopmecold
Faster crew production - avoidance

free ships and instant building:

go into the folder you installed amarda 2 into then go to
folder odf and then go into ships you will see a lot of
files concerning ships data.
[back up all files you change first]
1. open a file with write or word, and go to line that
says 'dilithiam cost' and change the number to 0,
do the same to 'build time' and 'metal cost'
2. do this to all the files you want to in the race you are
playing eg, fed/borg/...
then load the game and start building for free.

you can also do this to the stations.

Add Dilithium:
Hit [ENTER] to bring up the comm screen, then type
"showmethemoney" to add 2000 dilithium.

Cheat Method:
Open the RTS_CFG.H file. Go to the line under difficulty
settings and modify the line to says what you want.
// // DIFFICULTY SETTINGS // // Damage coefficients for
incoming damage for user in single player float
EASY_DAMAGE = 0.5; float HARD_DAMAGE = 2.0;

If you set it to 0 your ships will not be damaged.
However some nebulas still damage the ships if you
leave them in it to long.

NOTE: Always make a backup before editing files.

Increase Officers:
To increase the amount of officers just change the
following line in the RTS_CFG.h file for Armada II
from 600 to 999.

// the max value that officer capacity can be in a
single player game, and default in multiplayer game.


You can open the mission files in the bzn folder by
using the editor on the Armada II disk, right click
on any mission you want to edit and go to properties
and take off the "read only" tick and you can then
edit and save the missions in the game, for instance;
on the last mission with the Borg put starbases a fair
distance away and around the fluidic gate and you will
be able to build your base up with no problems at all.

Star Trek - Away Team

Star Trek - Away Team

Submitted by: long john

Type these codes during a mission:

Code Result
cheater - Activate Cheat Mode
medic - Heal Your Team
iwin - Win Mission

Star Trek - Borg

Star Trek - Borg

These codes give you a faster
navigation in the game:

HUGH - Chooses optimal answer
BORG - Jumps to the last scene
OBEY - Jumps to the next scene

Star Trek - Bridge Commander

Star Trek - Bridge Commander

In the game shortcut, right click on it and go to properties, under the
shortcut tab go to Target: add=
"C:\Program Files\Activision\Bridge Commander\stbc.exe" -TestMode
(That's case sensitive).

Now when in tactical mode press:

Code Result
Shift-G = God Mode
Shift-R = Repair Target
Shift-K = Kill Target
Shift-Q = Gain 10 Quantum Torpedoes


some versions of Bridge Commander Do Not Work With The Quatum Torpedoes Cheat And Instead Of
SHIFT + Q you must use CTRL + Q

Cheat Mode:

To activate Cheat Mode, go to a shortcut to the
game (like the one on the desktop). Right-click
it and go to \'\'properties\'\'. Click on the \'\'Shortcut\'\'
tab, and go to the very end of the shortcut path.
OUTSIDE the quote marks, enter a space, and then
enter \'\'-TestMode\'\' (Without quotes). Use this shortcut
to enter the game. In the game, the \'\'Quick Battle\'\'
button is replaced with \'\'Test Only\'\'. Click this to
go to any level in the game.

Also, whenever you\'re in-game, you can go to tactical
display mode and use the following cheats.

Shift-G: God Mode (will display \'\'GOD MODE\'\' in the
upper-right corner of screen when active)

Shift-K: Damage targeted subsystem by 25%

Shift-R: Completely repair target (Useful for when
an ally ship gets pounded)

Shift-Q: Gain 10 Quantum Torpedoes (If you can carry them)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Star Trek - DS9 - Dominion Wars

Star Trek - DS9 - Dominion Wars

Damage Enemy Ships:
When you select an enemy ship and anchor the camera
to it you can slowly damage that ship by pressing

Star Trek - Elite Force 2

Star Trek - Elite Force 2


To enable the cheats, a command-line parameter must be added to the
shortcut for the game: "+set ui_console 1 +sv_cheats 1"
"C:Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Elite Force II\EF2.exe"
+set ui_console 1 +sv_cheats 1

While playing, press the [~] key (tilde) to bring down the console.
Enter the following cheats for the desired effect:

Code Result
god - God Mode
noclip - No Clipping Mode
notarget - Enemies Don't See You
give all - All Weapons
modellist - Spawn List
health 100 - Set Health to 100
give weapon X - Give Weapon (X=Name)
maplist - List Maps
inventory - Show Inventory
fps 1 - Show FPS (0=Off)

Unlocking all secrets in sTAR TREK ELITE FORCE 2:

For those of you who would like to see all the secrets without having
found all of the golden starships, you can simply modify one file to get
instant access.

Go to the folder where you installed Elite Force 2. Under that there
should be another folder called ''base''.

In there search for your player *.cfg file (most likely the name of the
user who is logged into the computer (e.g., myname.cfg).

1. Open this file using Wordpad or Notepad.
2. Search for a line containing ''seta g_secretCount''
3. Enter the number 70 between the quotes '''' (the line should look like:

seta g_secretCount ''70''

You will now have instant access to all secrets.

Star Trek - Game Show

Star Trek - Game Show

Start questions at maximum points:
If you do not get a question, and you see the answer, press [Tab].
The message "Press Tab to continue" will appear. The game will start
the question over, and you will know the correct answer. If you do
not want to lose points in the Gamma Quadrant, do not reply until
you know the correct answer.

Star Trek - Generations

Star Trek - Generations

The follwing codes are typed during gameplay:

Cheat Result
STARBLAST - for invinsabilaty

Star Trek - Harbinger

Star Trek - Harbinger











Star Trek - Hidden Evil

Star Trek - Hidden Evil

Cheat Mode:
Type the following codes during gameplay.

Code Result
KIRK - unlimited health
SPOCK - skip level
BONES - add Hypospray to inventory
SCOTTY - all keys and passcards

Use the Tricorder often, especially when you feel stuck.
Many screen hot-points that can solve a puzzle are inactive
until you wave the Tricorder around them.

When you pass through an old area after completing a mission
or solving a puzzle, pay special attention to previously
sealed areas that may now have become passable.

Whenever you hear a strange noise coming from a new area,
save the game immediately. As you get deeper into the game,
this noise usually means that quick and sudden death awaits
you, should you be too slow or make a mistake in the next

Star Trek - Judgement Rites

Star Trek - Judgement Rites

Tips for fighting the Elasi pirates:
Depending on the difficulty level you set in the beginning,
you will have to fight one or two Elasi pirates. In any case,
the dangerous one is the one firing the three photon torpedoes.
Concentrate fire on this particular craft, if you are fighting
both Elasi. The best tactic is to fire phasers continuously,
and fire photons only at close range or with enough lead, a
tone target until that target flees. Adjust the difficulty
level if all else fails.

Tips for getting into the security room:
You need to transport into the security room. You will also
need the dummies from the crew quarters to protect yourself
from the security forces. Use the dummies on the transporter
grid, then use Spock on the transporter controls.

Tips for maximum scoring:
To score the maximum number of points possible, you must:
Succeed in the mission without failing once, do not insult
the Elasi, stun the guards, do not kill any guards, destroy
communications in central command, treat the technicians
allergies, talk to munroe, sabotage all shuttle controls,
convert security to your side and deliever promised
evidence, destroy communications tracking, defeat Breddell
without killing him, do not trigger the false code, talk
Sheme into cooperating, win the chess game, and not wake the
sleeping crewman or wake him and put him back to sleep.

Star Trek - Klingon

Star Trek - Klingon

Enter one of the following codes during game
play to activate the corresponding cheat function

Effect Code
Advance to next plot choice - kor
Automatically select correct plot response - kang
Select correct response of last plot choice - koloth

Star Trek - Klingon Academy

Star Trek - Klingon Academy

Never, ever lead your escorts within close range of
celestial bodies, or they'll inevitably get an attack
of the stupids and crash into them. Fortunately, your
enemies aren't much brighter. Remember this and you
will guide your fair share of Federation ships to their

The program lets you kick back and enjoy all the cut
scenes back-to-back, regardless of how far you've
progressed in the game. Do so from time to time and
you'll pick up clues and strategies that'll help you
through specific situations.

Many new players seem to have trouble destroying planetary
targets. To start with, you'll want to target the entire
planet and then choose the Subsystem option from the menu.
You'll then have access to a list of all the installations
on that planet. Make your selection and visually inspect
the surface of the planet for the corresponding targeting
box. At this point, it's important to remember that Academy
planets are rendered in 3D, and that the targeting box can
be seen through the planet. It very well might signify a
target that exists on the other side of the planet, meaning
you may have to orbit at least a portion of it before you're
in range. Once over the target, get within 15 kilometers and
begin blasting it with your primary weapons. Monitor the Health
indicator of that target on your HUD, and you should see it
drop by 10 percent with each successful volley.

To use the mysterious sensor package in Mission 5, approach
the target vessel very slowly (remember, cloaking is more
effective at slow speed) until you're within 5,000 kilometers.
It should then activate automatically without any additional
input from you.

Mission 12 is a real doozy. The best tactic is to target the
correct vessel (it will be the first vessel you can target),
then circumnavigate it slowly from a safe, undetectable distance
until you've positioned yourself directly on top of it. Then
move directly toward it, maintaining that top-down approach
all the way. You'll undoubtedly have several goes at it until
you get it right, but sooner or later you'll be successful.
The firefight that follows is another story, involving quick
action and fancy maneuvering.