Monday, December 8, 2008

Star Wars - Galactic Battlegrounds

Star Wars - Galactic Battlegrounds

Cheat codes may be used in single player at any time,
and in multiplayer if cheats are enabled.
To enter a cheat code, press type the code, and
press again.
Listed below are all the known cheats.

Code - Result
skywalker - win scenario/Skip level
tarkin - win scenario
forcecarbon - get 1000 carbon
forcefood - get 1000 food
forcenova - get 1000 nova
forceore - get 1000 ore
forcebuild - allows actions such as building,trainging
units, research, and resource gathering to
be completed instantly
forceboat - creates invisible naval ship, press comma
[ , ] (idle military key) to select it (mouse
must be over water to work)
forcesight - removes fog of war
Forceexplore - Reveal Map (Hint: Fog of War remains)
simonsays - Simon the killer Ework
scaryneighbor - super killer boat
skywalker - win the level
darkside# - kill the # opponent

force build allows the enemy to build at super
speed as well.

Longer Range:

During gameplay, put your mouse over any body of water.
Hit Enter to bring up the chat box. Type in FORCEBOAT
and then your visibility range should increase.

Sounds Familiar:

Press enter, write a number (1-58), and press enter again
to hear some Star Wars quotes (each number - different quote)

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