Monday, December 29, 2008

Star Trek - Armada 2

Star Trek - Armada 2


Press [Enter] during game play, type one of the following codes,
then press [Enter].

Result Code
Increase ship AI - canofwhoopass
Additional Dilithium - showmethemoney
Boot list in multi-player mode - screwyouguysimgoinghome
Chat list in multi-player mode - phonehome
Mission skip - kobayashimaru
Lose mission - kobayashimaru_lost
Enter Gamma quadrant - imouttastepwithreality
Enemy's science ships disappear - nomoreships
Faster ship production - youstopmecold
Faster crew production - avoidance

free ships and instant building:

go into the folder you installed amarda 2 into then go to
folder odf and then go into ships you will see a lot of
files concerning ships data.
[back up all files you change first]
1. open a file with write or word, and go to line that
says 'dilithiam cost' and change the number to 0,
do the same to 'build time' and 'metal cost'
2. do this to all the files you want to in the race you are
playing eg, fed/borg/...
then load the game and start building for free.

you can also do this to the stations.

Add Dilithium:
Hit [ENTER] to bring up the comm screen, then type
"showmethemoney" to add 2000 dilithium.

Cheat Method:
Open the RTS_CFG.H file. Go to the line under difficulty
settings and modify the line to says what you want.
// // DIFFICULTY SETTINGS // // Damage coefficients for
incoming damage for user in single player float
EASY_DAMAGE = 0.5; float HARD_DAMAGE = 2.0;

If you set it to 0 your ships will not be damaged.
However some nebulas still damage the ships if you
leave them in it to long.

NOTE: Always make a backup before editing files.

Increase Officers:
To increase the amount of officers just change the
following line in the RTS_CFG.h file for Armada II
from 600 to 999.

// the max value that officer capacity can be in a
single player game, and default in multiplayer game.


You can open the mission files in the bzn folder by
using the editor on the Armada II disk, right click
on any mission you want to edit and go to properties
and take off the "read only" tick and you can then
edit and save the missions in the game, for instance;
on the last mission with the Borg put starbases a fair
distance away and around the fluidic gate and you will
be able to build your base up with no problems at all.

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